Vampire Kid / I Want Your Garden

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

A hot air balloon racer (Natasha Rothwell) challenges Rachel to confront her past. Featuring two new stories: “Vampire Kid,” a story about a creature of the night who only wants to dance in the sun, by a 5 year old from Illinois named Sam, and “I Want Your Garden,” a story about how the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, by Kyla, an 8 year old from Massachusetts.

Original Stories

Vampire Kid

Sam, Age 5, Illinois

Once upon a time there was a kid vampire that wanted to go into the sun. He wanted to dance in the sun. He went to the vampire shoe store to buy the shoes. At first he bought the wrong shoes. They were flaming shoes!! He screamed and took them off. Next, he got sneakers that made him cold. So cold that he turned into an icicle. Then he tried on singing shoes. They hurt his ears! Then he tried on dust shoes, which turned him into dust. The last pair of shoes he tried on were dancing shoes that he could wear out into the sun! He danced all day!

I Want Your Garden

Kyla, Age 8, Massachusetts

One day, Molly, the next door neighbor of Sally, was watering her garden, and Sally was watering her garden. Molly and Sally had very different gardens. Sally had always birds singing in her garden. Molly had a fence around her garden. Molly shouted over to Sally "I would really like to spend the day in your garden." Sally said "And I would like to spend the day in your garden. Let's switch for the day." "Great idea," Molly said, 'I'm coming over now.”

Molly and Sally spent the whole day in each other's garden. Molly decided she didn't like Sally's garden. The birds were too loud. Sally didn't like Molly's garden. Whenever she bent down, the fence poked her back. They decided to switch back. They liked their own garden and stayed there forever.

Draw the Hot Air Balloons

Rachel and her old frenemy, Margarite, have an intense hot air balloon race in this week’s episode! While listening to the episode, have your kids draw the race or either participant’s hot air balloon. Post their drawings on Twitter or Instagram with #StoryPiratesBalloon for us to see!

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