In part two of our season finale, an undersea queen (Gabrielle Dennis) reveals her secrets. Featuring two new stories: “The Perfect Horse,” an R&B ballad about a kid (Allan K. Washington) with an equestrian dream, written by Milie, a 12 year old from Rhode Island, and “Fishing Fish That Fish Humans,” the bizarre origin story of planet H-Tray, where humans live underwater and fish live on land, written by Australian siblings Caitlin and Jack.
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Illustration by Camila Franklin
Original Stories
The Perfect Horse
by Milie, age 12, Rhode Island
There are a lot of different horses in the world but I know the perfect one. His name is Tivo. He is brown with a black mane and tail. He has 2 socks on his back feet and his front feet each have a black stocking. His face is the cutest part of him, he has a light tan nose, fuzzy ears, and a white stare on his forehead. His favorite treat is a red or blue freeze pop. He is very fun to ride but is also sassy. He loves his owners and is boarded at Spring Wood farm where he is taken great care of. And I know a big secret, I’m his owner!
Our adaptation of The Perfect Horse was written by Jack Mitchell and Produced by Jack Mitchell and Brendan O’Grady
Fishing Fish That Fish Humans
by Caitlin and Jack, age 10, Australia
On the planet Htrae (H-tray), fish walk on their fins and wear tuxedos. They go to the jetty for fun and fish Humans. But the fish don’t wish to hurt the humans, so what they do is put BIG tank of waterproof hamburgers into the sea to bait them into the tank. Then they haul the tank back onto the dock and they have humans eating hamburgers!
One day at dusk, all was peaceful on Htrae and some of the nocturnal fish were coming out to fish humans. The water was still and the weather was warm when suddenly a human rocket landed in the lake. A lady called June and a man called Caleb stepped out. They looked around and the first thing they saw were fish fishing.
“It seems a bit cruel for them to be hunting their own kind.” Exclaimed June.
“Forget that, WHY ARE THERE FISH WALKING ON LAND!? HOW DO THEY EVEN BREATHE!?” Cried Caleb. The two astronauts took an inflatable yacht that auto inflates on contact with water.
“Don’t expect to be able to communicate with them.” Said June when they got to shore.
“Communicate with WHO? Blub blub blub.” Said an unknown voice.
The two astronauts looked for the source of the voice.
“Hi, blububub. I’m Jeffy boy.”
“HI, I’m Caleb! I’M FROM EARTH!” June shoved her hand over Caleb’s mouth and whispered:
“Dude he might be dangerous.”
“I can hear you ya know.” Said Jeffy boy. “Would you like to come fish with me? Tonight’s load will be good.”
“Ok.” Replied the astronauts and they walked to the wharf. They took notes on the way these alien fish fished but when the tank came back out they gasped. It was filled with humans and the humans had fish gills.
“ARGH!” Screamed the astronauts and ran to free their caged comrades.
“What are you doing?!” Cried poor Jeffy boy. The astronauts took the humans to the rocket and taught them how to breath air on the surface. The human fish went back underwater and taught the other humans to breath air. The humans came up to the surface and pushed all the fish into the water.
“My tux!” Screamed a fish-man to the left of the lake.
“My dress!” Screamed a fish-woman to the right.
“Job well done.” Said June as they headed back to the rocket.
“Time to tell the scientists what we found.” Said Caleb. 7 decades later, Htrae had many houses built on it and it was illegal to fish for fish, but sometimes fish still fished for humans, and that is the end!