Illustration by Camilla Franklin
In need of extra cash, Siegfried makes a dicey business decision. Featuring two new stories: “The First Kids to Work at the Census,” a song about two kids who just want to put their natural talents to work, by William, a 7-year-old from California, and “Rowan and the 3 Sloths,” a story about an unexpected encounter in the forest, by a 9-year-old in Illinois named Rowan.
After you read the original stories, check out our Creator Club page for our new daily radio show and learning tools for families stuck at home!
The First Kids to Work at the Census
by William, age 7, California
Characters: Jake- 5 years old- had short hair that he was growing long and loves the rain. Luna is Jakes’ sister. She is 4 years old- Luna had long hair but wanted it to be short like her brother.
Setting: Inside and outside the census building in the busy city of San Francisco, California
Problem: The kids wanted to be hired at the Census but the old human incharge of hiring would not hire them.
Plot: They were walking around counting all the things they could shop for when suddenly they ran into the boss of one of the census offices. Jake recognized the boss because Jake and his sister spent hours imagining how it would be working for him and counting people.
They said, “Hi, are you the boss of the census office”
And the boss said, “Why yes, I am”
Luna said, “Can you hire us?”
Jake said, “The old man incharge of hiring wouldn’t hire us because we are too young.”
The boss said, “Interesting how old are the two of you?”
Jake answered “5 years old and my sister Luna is 4 years old.
The boss says, “We’ve never had anyone that young work in our offices.”
“Well there have never been any kids before that think that working for the census would be the best job in the world.” said Jake
The Boss could not say no to that because he too wanted to work for the census when he was 5 and no one would let him.
“OK!”, said the Boss, “you are hired. You can start tomorrow.”
Jake and Luna felt amazing. Numbers were their favorite and the job of the census is to count every single person in the United States.
“WOW! Can you believe it!”, said Luna We are going to be the first kids to work at the Census.
Our adaptation of “The First Kids to Work at the Census” was written by Tim Platt, produced by Brendan O’Grady with vocal arrangements and direction by Jack Mitchell.
Rowan and the 3 Sloths
by Rowan, age 9, Illinois
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Rowan. She love to wonder. One day Rowan was wondering in the forest when she found 3 magical trees. The magical trees had 3 sloths. The sloths were magical too. They told Rowan she could have 3 wishes. She said ok. Then she made her wishes. Then the sloths said buy and she dispeard with the things she had wished for. The End
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