Illustration by Camilla Franklin
An old friend finds their voice and the Story Pirates discover a surprising new planet, featuring two new stories: “Fun Crazy Weird Hair Store,” a rocker about a salon you can go to if you need a big change, by Silvia, a 9 year old from New Jersey, and “The Mountain Fart,” a story about one town dealing with an enormous stink, written by a 9 year old from Virginia named Hannah.
Fun Crazy Weird Hair Store
by Sylvia, age 9, New Jersey
Do you need a new look? Come down to the Fun Crazy Weird Hair Store. Click…
Wow, I need to go to the fun Crazy Weird Hair Store. “Hey Sylvia where are you going?” “ I am going to the Fun Crazy Weird Hair Store.” “ Ooh can I come with you?”
Five hours later h..h.h.h.h.h .“Finally we’re here let’s go in inside.” “Welcome to the Fun Crazy Weird Hair Store what do you want to day?” “Full treatment ok.” “First, we are going to wash your hair. Put on your bathing suits because we are going to the spray park.”
At the spray park… “Now that we are here first thing you need to get your hair wet so start playing in it. OK time is up at the water park so come back and dry your hair. Now get on this trampoline and keep bouncing . That will dry your hair. OK now it’s time to do your hair, Sit in theses chairs that will start bumping you around and we will call in the robots.”
Fifteen minutes later the robots come in. “Wow look at all these robots. Wow it’s flipping , twisting and curling my hair.” “ Wow look they are doing the same to my hair.” “Ok now that the robots are done what do you think?” “Wow I love it. I am giving you a five star review.”
“Ok well that will cost you Five thousand million dollars.”
“ WHAT?”
The End
Our adaptation of “Fun Crazy Weird Hair Store” was written by Melissa Gordon, produced by Brendan O’Grady with vocal arrangements and direction by Jack Mitchell.
The Mountain Fart
by Hannah, age 9, Virginia
One day, something awful happened. A mountain farted. The whole town was minding their own buisness, when suddenly, they turned green! They ran to the nearest toilet, but it was too late! The stink filled the town so quickly that the government shutdown the government! Then, the sewer company arrived and saved everyone. The end.
Want more from the Story Pirates? We’re looking for new ways to connect with and reward our biggest fans and friends. That’s why we’ve launched our brand new Creator Club!
For just $60 per year, a membership includes:
VIP pre-sale access to live National Tour shows.
A limited-edition Story Pirates magazine filled with new stories, illustrations, activities and more
A members-only Story Pirates Creator Club t-shirt
A Story Pirates notebook to capture all those great story ideas!
Members-only downloadable activities that pair with select episodes of the Story Pirates Podcast all season long
10% year-long discounts on Story Pirates apparel and posters
More special surprises throughout the year!
Plus, a portion of every membership will support Story Pirates Changemakers, our non-profit arm that provides writing programs and performances for Title I schools, homeless shelters, and hospitals